
Last updated on 12/1/2024@mrbirddev

When to create a multi-page website?

For an easy personal website/portfolio, sometimes a single page website with multiple sections is already enough.

If you only need something like about, contact, works, it would be more convenient to use the Hash section option in Page to simulate a multi-page website. It gives you the advantage of easier creating and maintenance, since all the content is inside the same editor. Basically it will be just as easy as using PowerPoint.

However, you will need a real multi-page website when the following factors considered.


When you want serious traffic from a search engine, normally you would need a real multi-page website since search engines does not understand the multi-page simulation using hashes.

Some common SEO details, for example,

  • Internal linking. Search engines rank websites with a reasonable structure higher.
  • Keyword frequencies. Putting contents originally belongs to multiple pages in the same page messes up with keyword frequencies, so search engines cannot understand clearly what this page is for.
  • If your website loads too slow, it also impacts the SEO score adversely.

Organization & Speed

  • You have a great deal of contents to organize. Putting them in the same page is hard to manage, and also causing the editor to lag.
  • You care about page speed a lot and wants to load as few content as possible for a page.

How to create a multi-page website?

Visit, click the more button (3 dots), then click the Add new page in

How to create a multi-section webpage?

Select the Page element, click on Hash section option in the right sidebar. Enter the details as instructed.

Some use cases,

For Transition animation Fade, there are a 300ms fade-out for the old slide and 300ms fade-in for the new slide. You can add a delay of 300ms to your entrance animations to avoid your animations cluttered by the default slide fade-in.

Last updated on 12/1/2024@mrbirddev